Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The New Mayo Clinic Cookbook

The new Mayo Clinic cookbook is divided into different sections like vegetables, fruits, salads, soups, pasta, grains, beans, legumes, fish, shellfish, poultry, meat, desserts and drinks. But that’s not new for a cookbook, right?

What I loved about it was the Mayo Clinic new philosophy of cooking that stresses on vegetables and fruits in our daily life. As you notice in the pyramid here, they form the basis of the pyramid, unlike other nutritional pyramids. This way emphasis is put to increase a person's intake of fiber, antioxidants and numerous vitamins & minerals.

They continue to explain how this pyramid could help you stay healthy, how to use this book, how to choose right portion sizes, what a serving exactly is and how to know how much you should eat.
It also shows the nutritional value of each recipe shown and elaborates to explain more about carbs, proteins, dairy and fats’ nutritional facts in ways anyone could grasp and pass on to others.
There’s also the “are you eating well” section and how to plan a menu!

So, not only do you get healthy and delicious recipes, you also get a simple yet comprehensive view on nutrition and how to use it in order to stay in good health!

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